There are lots of factors that need to be considered when buying engagement bands and wedding rings. However, a lot of people get so dazzled by the diamonds that they end up forgetting about offer qualities, such as the metal of the ring. There are lots of different metal choices for you to select from and you need to give a lot of consideration when it comes to making your final decision.

First and foremost, before delving into the points of consideration it is important to decipher what choices of metal there are. The following choices are some of the most common options available for jewellery today; gold, white gold, silver, titanium, stainless steel, tungsten, platinum, and rhodium. However it is worth noting that when it comes to engagement rings and wedding bands there are three choices that soar in popularity compared to the rest. And, these are as follows; gold, white gold, and platinum. The reason these three are considered more desirable is because they have a luxurious and glamorous edge to them. These are qualities highly suitable for a wedding day. After all, you want your engagement ring and your wedding ring to look lavish and be the centre of attention.

Before delving into which of the three popular metal choices to choose between for engagement bands and wedding rings there is one important point you need to be made aware of. It is essential that your engagement ring and wedding ring are of the same metal. Don’t mix and match different metals. It can be tempting to do so, however you want to achieve a look that is timelessly beautiful and that you will never view as undesirable. If you mix and match metals then you run the risk of disliking the combination and you make it difficult for yourself to match clothes and jewellery to your rings.

When deciding on what metal is the best for your ring you need to find the perfect balance between quality and cost effectiveness. It is always recommended that you decipher a budget from the get go. You can then begin to narrow down your choices effectively. Platinum is a fantastic choice if you have the money to spare. It is rare and striking, yet can often be more costly. White gold and gold are both common wedding choices. They have that beautiful traditional and timeless quality. Furthermore, they are also available for different costs as well. The only difference between the two is the evidential colour discrepancy, and so you can narrow down your choice based on appearance. Aside from considering the qualities of the metals, you should look into 77 Diamonds celebrity engagement trends to find out what sort of metals are on vogue at the moment. And, of course, your own personal taste and preference plays a huge role too.
If you are still undecided on the metal choice you wish to go for, or you are ready to take it to the next step and get your engagement ring or wedding ring designed, then you should get in touch with Haywards. They are one of the leading bespoke jewellers in Hong Kong and have been since 2006.Their experience in design and personalisation means they will be able to find the perfect ring for you.