Tribal Cardigan – What Mary Wore

Today I went for a walk in the park with my dog and boyfriend in my new oversized tribal cardigan. I love this cardigan, its warm, has beautiful colours and patterns and was only £11.79 on Ebay! I wore it with my embossed style top from Primark and my tube skirt from H&M. My chunky knit tights were only £2 from Primark and of course for winter walks I work my Dr Martens. The park is so beautiful in Autumn and then we stopped for a pot of tea, perfect afternoon out :)

Tribal Cardigan Tribal CardiganTribal Cardigan - What Mary Wore 1Tribal CardiganTribal Cardigan Tea for TwoTea for Two

 Get the Cardigan here – Ebay – £11.79



  1. 2013/11/20 / 21:21

    I love how the blue in the cardigan brigs out your eyes. You are such a cutie!

  2. 2013/11/20 / 21:26

    Great outfit and pictures! Your hair and makeup look amazing! Cute dog too! =D


    • 2013/11/21 / 21:20

      Lol thank you :D he was good to sit and pose for me! x

  3. Hilde
    2013/11/21 / 15:19

    Lovely cardigan <3 I really like this outfit :)

  4. 2013/11/21 / 22:02

    that’s sucha cute cadigan! :) x
    Alice Barton ♥ TheMowWay

  5. danniella josephine
    2013/12/24 / 17:21

    What a cosy looking cardigan :)

    Danniella x |

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