Smoothies that are good for your skin – Mango, Passion Fruit and Lime Juice

smoothies that are good for your skin smoothies that are good for your skin All areas of our life feed into the theme of beauty and I’ve been looking ways of changing your diet to improve your skin health and complexion. This morning I made myself smoothies that are good for your skin – a Mango, Passion Fruit and Lime Juice Yoghurt Smoothie. Its been a while since I’ve done a food post, I think my last one was my Halloween Pumpkin Soup. Mango has many properties that can benefit your skin and hair, it is high in Vitamin C and E, it detoxifies the skin preventing breakouts as it is high in antioxidants and contains Vitamin A that revives your skin to give you a better complexion. The antioxidants found in mangos are also fantastic for delaying anti-ageing and smoothing out your skin. Passion fruit is also high in Vitamin A, helping cell growth so giving you healthier skin. Passion Fruit also has 12 different carotenoids that aid the body in producing and absorbing Vitamin A. Passion Fruit contain Vitamin C and Iron, the Vitamin C aids in the body absorbing the Iron content of the fruit. As a vegetarian this is a great source of Iron for me. smoothies that are good for your skinsmoothies that are good for your skinsmoothies that are good for your skin Not only is this smoothie good for your skin but I’ve found smoothies to be a great way to improve your diet and boost your fruit and vegetable intake throughout the day. To make the smoothie cut up your Large Mango into chucks, removing the skin and large seed, and put in a mixing bowl. Cut your 3 Passion Fruit in halves and empty the seeds into the bowl. Add 4 table spoons of Low Fat Mango & Passionfruit Yogurt 450g and blend together. Once blended add Lime juice and more yoghurt based on taste and preference.

Products used in my Smoothie Post –

Kilner Screw Top Jar 0.5L
Swirly Straws
Large Mango
3 Passion Fruit
Low Fat Mango & Passionfruit Yoghurt 450g – 4 Table Spoons

What are your favourite smoothies that are good for your skin?smoothies that are good for your skinsmoothies that are good for your skin


  1. Asha Stenzel
    2014/05/10 / 19:34

    Yum! I am excited to try this! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Anna
    2014/05/10 / 22:01

    Really great idea. Going to try this out.

    • Anna
      2014/05/10 / 22:02

      Whoops, didn’t mean for that video to get added there. You can remove it if you don’t want it.

  3. Gillian Lamb
    2014/05/10 / 23:14

    I love mango and passionfruit together! my mouth is watering just thinking about this deliciousness :)

  4. 2014/05/11 / 01:16

    This looks yummo!!
    great smoothie idea!!
    xo Holly xo


  5. 2014/05/11 / 01:31

    i love putting avocado in smoothies, makes them super creamy and so many good fats!

  6. Sarah
    2014/05/11 / 05:11

    This looks so yummy. I love mangos and had no idea they had so many benefits. Thanks for the awesome info!!

    xx Sarah | Loser Girl Wins

  7. 2014/05/11 / 05:35

    oh wow 6am and this is looking amazing…

    Valentina Duracinsky Blog

  8. Lucy Read
    2014/05/11 / 06:35

    This smoothie looks yummy. They are a great way to get fruit and vegtables if you make them out of the right items. You have to be carefully of the sugar content though. My favourite is pinapple, ginger, Mellon and kiwi. You can vital green to really work wonders Lucy x

  9. theri
    2014/05/11 / 11:49

    uii I definitely have to try this smoothy too!

    love, Theri –

  10. 2014/05/11 / 12:37

    I adore smoothies, they are just fantastic. I haven’t tried this combination yet, so thanks for sharing! ^__^

  11. Ella
    2014/05/11 / 15:41

    I LOVE smoothies, great post!

    Ella | 

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