Sheer Shirt Ebay WishList

My Sheer Shirt Ebay Wishlist has some fantastic pieces today, I love and want them all! Sheer shirts are so beautiful  and light and are great for layering up now it’s getting into autumn. These six shirts  are a bargain, all under £20 including postage! Yes please! These shirts go perfectly with jeans or a tube skirt  as well as making great work shirts with a pair of black trousers and some cute pumps or brogues.

Let me know which your favourites are, mine is the Swallow monochrome shirt that’s only £8.68!

Sheer Shirt Ebay Wishlist

 #1 French ladies print doll collar shirt

#2 Swallow monochrome shirt

#3 Navy flamingo print shirt

#4 Black and White skull shirt

#5 Vintage flowers and stripes shirt

#6 Cath Kidston style print white and pink floral top



  1. 2013/10/04 / 15:14

    No6 is gorgeous! What bargains!

  2. Katy
    2013/10/04 / 19:07

    I love the second shirt. It’s definitely on my wishlist

    • 2013/10/05 / 21:01

      haha me too, think im gonna have to get it :D xx

  3. Kim of A Very Sweet Blog
    2013/10/04 / 21:01

    I’m loving #1!!! Anything FRENCH is good for me. hahaha Lovely picks!

  4. 2013/10/04 / 20:22

    I love #1 & #2 but #4 is my favourite! Great post. x

  5. 2013/10/04 / 20:37

    The second is amazing ! Love it ! Xxx

    • 2013/10/05 / 21:06

      They seem like the really popular ones :)

  6. Deanie
    2013/10/05 / 12:27

    Hello! Thanks for the follow on my bloglovin’ account. I returned it. I’m also following your blog. Can you follow mine too please?

  7. Mathilda
    2013/10/05 / 16:29

    I love 2 and 4! So pretty !
    I’m following you on bloglovin hope you will do the same :)

  8. Rebecca Tiffany
    2013/10/05 / 20:42

    #1 and #2 are my favourites!
    Rebecca, from A Little Bit of Glitter

  9. Ashley
    2013/10/06 / 00:26

    Those are all so cute! I really love the 5th one :)

  10. 2013/10/06 / 04:16

    i love sheer shirts too! thanks for sharing! i love that last piece :)

  11. 2013/10/06 / 17:13

    I love shirts like these, and these are really good prices!!:)xox

  12. Kallie
    2013/10/06 / 22:49

    Love the skulls!


  13. 2013/10/07 / 08:47

    Thanks for letting me know :D think I have some popular finds in this wishlist! :D xxx

  14. Zoe Baldwin
    2013/10/08 / 22:45

    I really like shirt number 2! I’ve never really considered buying clothes off Ebay but now I might! x x

    • 2013/10/09 / 08:32

      Me too, should give it a try there are some great bargains

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