New Look OOTD – Casual Spring Wear

OOTDNewLookNew Look BootsNew Look OOTD DinosaurNew Look OOTD dressNew Look Letsstrikeapose

New Look OOTD

My very casual OOTD featuring New Look boots, dress and waterfall jacket. I love my new knitted t-shirt dress, it’s really soft and quite flattering and great for teaming up with patterned accessories like my Aztec patterned jacket. The jacket I got in their Christmas sale but I recently bought the dress and chelsea boots heavily discounted in New Look’s 60% off sale. There are still so many items really reduced so it is worth a look.

Misumi Blue Knitted T-Shirt Dress

Brown Chunky Brogue Chelsea Boots



  1. Emily Attwood
    2014/03/06 / 18:23

    That dress is adorable!

  2. 2014/03/06 / 17:36

    Such a pretty combination… im sooooo tempted to go shopping for somthing pretty in blue now!

  3. Stephanie
    2014/03/06 / 17:46

    The dress is lovely!



  4. 2014/03/06 / 17:49

    Great outfit! :) I love the print on the cardigan xx

  5. Jessica Rose
    2014/03/06 / 17:52

    Love the dress…looks really good on you. ps That dinosaur looks creepy….the eye!!

  6. Dorine
    2014/03/06 / 18:03

    Gorgeous! That dress is amazing, really love the whole outfit!

  7. 2014/03/06 / 18:08

    Very cute look. I like the layered cardi :)


  8. Shannon Cobain
    2014/03/06 / 18:15

    Love that dress! Very cute outfit!

    Shannon x

  9. 2014/03/06 / 19:10

    Very cute! Love the jacket!

  10. Kristel
    2014/03/06 / 19:26

    Lovely outfit, and the boots are amazing!

  11. Bethany Whitfield
    2014/03/06 / 19:45

    Lovely outfit! And I’m pretty sure I recognise those dinosaurs lol I’m from west Yorkshire x

  12. Rachel Burman
    2014/03/06 / 19:56

    I nominated you for the liebster award!

  13. nicole
    2014/03/06 / 21:00

    This is such a cute outfit- the dress especially..oh and the jacket :)

  14. Hanna
    2014/03/06 / 21:37

    That outfit looks great on you! I love the shoes too!
    Them Dinosaurs were the most random thing ever! I’m not sure if I find them cute or creepy…

  15. Selina Quach
    2014/03/06 / 22:49

    So pretty. Loving the waterfall cardigan :)

  16. CittieBlog
    2014/03/07 / 00:33

    I love those boots, I need to find a good pair of brown boots.

  17. Lizzy
    2014/03/07 / 01:23

    Lovely outfits, your boots are really cute
    also you have really pretty hair!

  18. Caitlin Ramsay
    2014/03/07 / 02:31

    Lovely outfit! Really liking those shoes :)

    Caitlin | Oceanic Stars

  19. A Palette of Pastels
    2014/03/07 / 08:28

    Loving the outfit you look stunning. :)

  20. John Hartil
    2014/03/07 / 11:28

    Fab boots

  21. 2014/03/07 / 12:31

    I love this look. Especially the colour of your outfit. It’s just really pretty and the texture of your, shrug/jacket? (I’m not good at fashion terminology)

    Love this post!

    Have an awesome day today, lovelies!!!


  22. Nicola Simmons
    2014/03/07 / 13:35

    I’ve literally picked up everything you’re wearing at some point and ummed and ahhed over it. I think I regret not getting jacket it looks amazing! x

    something like nicola

  23. Sara Nygren
    2014/03/07 / 14:56

    Really nice outfit!
    You are beautiful:)

  24. kitty kaos
    2014/03/07 / 16:25

    loving those boots almost as much as the dino xx

  25. pinkunicorn
    2014/03/07 / 16:55

    love the outfit, the dress is so perfect xx

    2014/03/07 / 22:56

    I love your jacket and shoes. The raptors are awesome! What’s the story behind them?

    • 2014/03/08 / 23:32

      Drove past them, thought they were amazing, embarrassed the boyfriend making him turn around and take a photo of me with them haha then thought I’d pop them in to make an ootd post a bit more interesting :p x

  27. Mel Zia
    2014/03/08 / 09:46

    love the outfit ! the dress is nice :)
    Melissa x


  28. Christina Lau
    2014/03/08 / 13:42

    This is such a lovely look! It reminds me of the fall time. I especially love the draped cardigan and the booties! They definitely make for a casual that’s a bit dressed up. Love your style!


  29. Rose
    2014/03/08 / 15:51

    You look so different with a center parting! Looks lovely! Xx

    • 2014/03/08 / 23:33

      Thank you! Felt daring changing haha, had it side parting for so long…I’m so brave

  30. 2014/03/08 / 22:16

    Love your outfit. It looks so effortlessly chic. I wish there was a close-up on your necklace, though…is it a tree? Because it looks like it is super cute!

    • 2014/03/08 / 23:34

      Its a celtic tree, will do a post with it in soon and try to see if I can find where it is from :) x

  31. Lauraline
    2014/03/12 / 10:34

    Gorgeous ! :)
    Love, xxx

  32. Stephanie
    2014/03/14 / 18:26

    I love your blog, just started following you on bloglovin. Would appreciate if you would have a look at my blog as well:)

  33. Tiny Tang
    2014/04/05 / 07:29

    this is such a lovely spring outfit, i like everything about it :) x | Life as a Petite |

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