Nail Designs – Gingham Nail Art

Nail Designs Gingham

Nail Designs – Gingham Nail Art

Today post marks the start of a new Youtube series in nail designs that I have been wanting to do for quite now. Lately I have been loving Gingham fabric, and with that in mind I wanted to show off a very easy tutorial on how to get this really cool look on to your nails. Its super easy and cheap to do. All you need is some white and coloured nail polish, frosted scotch tape and a topcoat. It’s a really simple process with only five steps!

Step 1. Paint your nails white
Step 2. Paint some frosted scotch tape whatever colour you want your Gingham nail art to be. And wait for It to dry. Then cut in to thin strips.
Step 3. Lay how ever many strips you want on your nails, I used 2 across and 2 down
Step4. Trim the excess using nail clippers / scissors.
Step 5. Apply a topcoat this will keep the scotch tape on your nails and seal the gingham nail designs.

In my video I painted all my nails different pastel colours but you could mix these up for alternative nail designs or just painting one nail with this pattern and then the rest plain.

Considering that there is nothing used in this tutorial other than what you can find in your house I am really happy with the final look. This look can be created on a budget without the need of any of the nail art tools that you might otherwise need and you don’t need a steady hand!

Colors & Products Used –

Revlone Nail Art NEON laser beam
MUA Love Heart – U ROK
MUA Love Heart – U& I
MUA Ameretto Crush
Sally Hanson Hard as Nails Cardinal
Maybelline Express Finnish Turquoise Lagoon
MUA clear Top Coat
Frosted Scotch Tape

Let me know if you try out my gingham nail art, leave some photos of them if you do in the comments and if you have any ideas for further nail designs please request them in the comments below! You can find my other nail art posts here.


  1. Jenn
    2014/04/12 / 07:43

    I’ll have to give this a go! Your nails looks great!

    Jenn | PhotoJennic


  2. Jen
    2014/04/12 / 08:46

    This looks great – given me some spring/summer inspiration – thank you. Might try it with nail varnish rather than scotch tape but with my wobbly hands it might not work!!

  3. Charlotte MacDonald-Gaunt
    2014/04/12 / 09:46

    Cute and fresh look and not too difficult to do either. I think I’ll use one of those handy pens from Barry M :o) Xx

    Makeup by Candlelight

  4. 2014/04/12 / 10:16

    Wow they look great! The tape strips are a great idea too, there’s no way I’d be able to paint on nail varnish stripes that perfectly :)

  5. 2014/04/12 / 14:25

    What a great idea! Will try it next time!

  6. Lauren
    2014/04/12 / 14:28

    This is such a good idea! They look so pretty

  7. Sarah
    2014/04/12 / 16:45

    Wow, this is so much easier than I imagined it would be. Your nails looks amazing.

    xx Sarah
    Loser Girl Wins // Bloglovin

  8. 2014/04/12 / 18:40

    Awesome manicure!

  9. Victoria Robinson
    2014/04/12 / 22:29

    This looks adorable, I think I might have to give it a try :)

  10. Lyndsey Emma
    2014/04/13 / 00:57

    Love this!

  11. 2014/04/13 / 05:04

    i tried being artsy on my nails but I quit. i got no patience. haha. Your nails are just cute!!!

  12. Isabelle Ottes
    2014/04/13 / 07:50

    I really love your blog and that’s why I nominated you for the inspiring blog award!
    Hope you are proud and keep being awesome… :)

  13. lisa robb
    2014/04/13 / 10:49

    Very nice nAils
    L x

  14. 2014/04/13 / 11:43

    Your nail art is amazing. I wish I wasn’t so lazy with mine!

  15. Lise Stentzer
    2014/04/14 / 09:06

    So nice nails love your blog <3 love from Alperoser.

  16. Olivia Roach
    2014/04/15 / 18:52

    Never seen this way of doing it before, but it looks easier than all that I’ve previously seen! Which means it’s the one I shall be using from now on! I subscribed to your channel too ;)

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