Maybelline Express Finish 40 Seconds Nail Polish Review

Here are some swatches of this gorgeous Turquoise Lagoon shade in the Maybelline Express Finish 40 Seconds Nail Polish. The polish is very quick drying and is such a vibrant gorgeous colour. It would compliment both pale and dark skin. I’m really impatient when it comes to painting my nails so this polish is perfect for me! I hate waiting around for polish to dry. I love the colour and I’m a big fan of  turquoise  polishes, what do you think?

Maybelline Express Finish 40 Seconds Nail Polish Review Turquoise LagoonMaybelline Express Finish 40 Seconds Nail Polish Review Turquoise Lagoon

Maybelline Express Finish 40 Seconds Nail Polish – Turquoise Lagoon



  1. Melissa Meussen
    2014/01/11 / 21:16

    What a gorgeous colour!

  2. 2014/01/11 / 21:32

    Nice colour, Can’t wait to get it for Summer :) x

    • 2014/01/11 / 21:49

      hehe thanks hun, its brightening up my winter! ;p xo

  3. Ellis Cochrane
    2014/01/11 / 21:35

    Wow! This is such a beautiful colour! It’s so vibrant and bright.

    • 2014/01/11 / 21:49

      I love it, pretty cheap too :) Glad your liking it xo

  4. Jenn
    2014/01/11 / 21:40

    I was really excited when I saw this post I’m so impatient when it comes to letting my nail polish dry and Im super excited to try this out now

    • 2014/01/11 / 21:53

      hehe I HATE waiting too! always smudge them if they arent fast drying lol xoxo

  5. Jackie Harrison
    2014/01/11 / 23:02

    Gorgeous color perfect for spring and summer.

  6. Crystal Duna
    2014/01/12 / 02:45

    Awesome color!. Eye catching for sure.

  7. 2014/01/12 / 23:20

    That is a stunning colour! Perfect for summertime! :) xoxo

    Emily ♡

      • 2014/01/14 / 01:07

        Currently a very warm summer here in Aus! xx

        • 2014/01/14 / 10:32

          haha lucky you!! we’re looking at snow maybe, although the sun is shining here today xoxo

          • 2014/01/14 / 11:03

            I’ve never seen snow before! I’m dying to! I hope you enjoy the rest of your winter then! xoxo

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