5 Easy Tips on How to Increase Traffic on Your Blog

how to increase traffic on your blog

5 Tips on How to Increase Traffic on Your Blog

This post will cover 5 tips that I recommend to help grow your blog. They are all different and look at different aspects from blogging tips to corrections to your posts. Let me know if you liked the post or have anything to add to it in the comments below. remember to check out previous weeks Tecky Tuesdays. Remember to check out lasts weeks post top web hosts once your done reading this.

1. Give it time.

This is one of the biggest things that people aren’t willing to do when it comes to blogging. I have seen a lot of people start blogging and then give up within a month or two. You have to keep patient and write on a regular basis, even if the readers are not there at first. The web is a massive place, full of other blogs. If you are willing to keep posting interesting content then your readers will find you, the bonus of putting a lot of time into blogging. Over time you will see what works and what doesn’t on your blog, what to expect from your posts and how far they will travel and the type of person that will read it.

2. Make a post that people will want to share or reference.

When creating a post think about if there are sections of your post that people would want to share on twitter or reference for there own post. If you could create a post that 10 people reference you will hit a much higher audience than a post that no one wants to talk about. When you finish your post think about if you would share it with your friends. If your not happy for sharing it with your friends rework it so that you are. Remember if a post gets shared a lot on twitter and Facebook it has quite a big effect on how well that post will rank on Google.

3. Think about your post title

The title of your post will have a massive effect on who clicks the post, as well as letting people know what is in the post. For example this post could have been called “Tips for blogging” and whilst it describes the post it doesn’t have the same effect as “5 Tips on How to Increase Traffic on Your Blog”. You should really think about every aspect of your posts and the kind of blog post titles that intrigue you and make you click.

4. Giveaways

Running giveaways are a great way to entice new readers to your blog. It can have the effect of bring extra traffic to your site that you would get otherwise but you can get a lot of compers. These are people that will just come to a site to enter the competition then leave. One of the major things that you have to remember is that compers can help grow your site and them posting about your giveaway does help SEO, so it’s not all bad! Giveaways are a great way to be seen by a wider audience and grow your following base as well as rewarding your readers. I have done a few over the past few months, they turned out really great for my site and a great way to support readers.

5. Be consistent.

Over the years I have read lots of blogs and the reason I normally stop reading one is when it doesn’t get updated very often. This doesn’t mean you have to post everyday but if I view a blog that was once updated daily and it drops to being updated once a week I tend to not bother checking their site regularly and eventually forgetting to read it all together. Blogging is a two-way thing, if you post people will come, read it and more than likely return, if you stop posting people will just stop reading when there is no new content. I would recommend that you let your audience know what you have in store for them. At the moment I’m in the process of building set posts to go up on set days, like Tecky Tuesday. I know a lot of you come just to read this post once a week; this has done wonders for growing my blog over the past few months.

Let me know if you find any of these tips on how to increase traffic on your blog useful and as always remember to share it on Facebook & Twitter. Let me know what other tips you would recommend and I will feature the comment that I like the most!


  1. 2014/05/20 / 08:08

    What a fab post! Thank you for helping us noobs out, it’s much appreciated x

  2. Korinda
    2014/05/20 / 08:27

    Great ideas! Thank you for sharing, it’s definitely helpful!

  3. charl
    2014/05/20 / 08:29

    great tips, thanks!
    charl x

  4. Stephanie
    2014/05/20 / 09:33

    Fab tips, thanks!





  5. 2014/05/20 / 09:50

    I love reading your blogging tips, keep up the good work!

    Please share and donate if you can!


  6. 2014/05/20 / 10:06

    Really useful tips! I’m definitely going to make sure I use these :) xx

  7. Antonella Zammit
    2014/05/20 / 10:13

    Great tips :)


  8. MaquillageMagic
    2014/05/20 / 10:57

    Really great advice, thank you

    Laura xx


  9. 2014/05/20 / 11:15

    There was some really great advice there. I think that being patient and posting consistently are two of the most important things in increasing blog traffic. Commenting on other blogs helps too!

  10. Courtney Parker
    2014/05/20 / 11:47

    Great tips, thanks for sharing!


  11. Natalie B
    2014/05/20 / 11:48

    Super helpful post, thank you! xx


  12. Helen Davis
    2014/05/20 / 11:53

    I’d just come to the conclusion myself that as soon as I have more time I’m going to concentrate on writing more posts that people will want to share. I’m glad that you agree that that might be worthwhile :)

    Helen x // Beautiful Curiosities

  13. 2014/05/20 / 12:16

    Thanks for the tips!
    I love reading your Tecky Tuesday posts!
    More bloggers should share how they do things!
    xo Holly xo


  14. 2014/05/20 / 12:17

    Giveaways are a great way to entice new readers, for sure.. but they generally don’t stick around. Giveaways are fine, most people do them from all different blogging genres, but the purpose isn’t to “entice new readers” it’s to say “thank you” to the existing ones. If you run a giveaway on your blog to gain new readers then you might be sorry once you realise a percentage of those will disappear once they discover they haven’t won..

  15. 2014/05/20 / 12:33

    Great tips! I would also add that blogging must not be about yourself (the blogger), but about the readers. Lots of bloggers tend to be focused on “Me, Me, Me” and bored their readers, while they should know what their audience is and try to keep it interesting for the readers.

    Lu, http://www.balgarka.co.uk

  16. The London Turtle
    2014/05/20 / 12:37

    Amazing advice, thanks so much! I’ve also started a regular feature called Sunday Snaps on my blog, and you’re so right, it really helps grow traffic!

  17. Grace Denny
    2014/05/20 / 14:58

    All of these are so true! I think the first point is especially important – giving it time to grow is something that a lot of people tend to ignore!

    XO, G from grace’d

  18. mikaylaa.s
    2014/05/20 / 16:21

    So many great tips for new bloggers, I really think the keep going one is the most important, nothing happens over night (or everyone would be doing it). Great post!


  19. Ellen W.
    2014/05/20 / 16:24

    Thanks for the advice. I just started my own personal blog and I can’t wait to see where things go.


  20. Celine C
    2014/05/20 / 16:26

    I love reading your Tecky Tuesday posts and they have really helped me out! Thank you! x


  21. 2014/05/20 / 16:53

    Really good tips! I only started my blog a month ago so very new to it all :)


  22. Sarah C
    2014/05/20 / 16:53

    I was just thinking, hey where’s my techy tuesday post, but I guess this counts too :) Good tips! I’m doing my first give-a-way on Monday! So excited.

  23. Leanna
    2014/05/20 / 18:09

    Really great tips, I’ve been toying around with the idea of starting a blog to sort of keep a diary on my goings on for myself and have been reading up on as many tips as I can. This has been very helpful and I’ve just started following you and can’t wait to read more from you!

  24. Sophie Sadler
    2014/05/20 / 21:20

    Love these posts, they’re always so useful! Thanks love :) xx


  25. 2014/05/20 / 22:19

    So many great tips! I’ve found that commenting regularly (with genuine comments) on blogs I enjoy, replying to comments on my own blog, and joining a blogger network has really helped me grow my blog little by little. It’s all about connecting! xoxo

  26. 2014/05/20 / 23:48

    Thanks for the tips!
    joannaand.wordpress.com xx

  27. 2014/05/21 / 02:08

    Wonderful tips! I also think consistency is the key.
    Keisha xo

  28. Mindy R
    2014/05/21 / 02:15

    Great tips, Mary! Lessons to learn and live by!


  29. 2014/05/21 / 02:49

    thanks for the tip Mary! number one is my biggest problem. i started writing my blog back in march and have had days where i just didn’t know what to write about or when i would see that people stopped following me on bloglovin’, i would think what’s the point? but you’re right. i just have to keep on trucking!

    awesome post. keep rocking!

  30. 2014/05/21 / 07:30

    I find posting on my social media sites is a great way for me to build traffic, especially when I use certain hashtags on Twitter and Instagram. Great blog post!


  31. Kate
    2014/05/21 / 17:26

    Great tips! As a newbie this is great for me. Thanks for posting!
    Kate Louise Blogs

  32. Vena Isabella
    2014/05/21 / 21:55

    Thanks for these tips! This has really motivated me to carry on with my blog. I find that when I’m busy I start to neglect my blog as I lose ideas. I’m definitely gonna use these tips to carry on. :)
    Vena xxx

  33. Jamie
    2014/05/21 / 23:38

    Thanks for this! Super helpful!




  34. Naomi Kam
    2014/05/22 / 01:59

    This is so helpful, Thanks :] x


  35. Dawn Herndon Buie
    2014/05/22 / 20:25

    LOve everything you mentioned! I have got some work to do on my new blog.. Thanks again!

  36. Anny
    2014/05/22 / 23:38

    Thank you for the great tips!it’s very helpful for new bloggers to have tips like those :) (my blog is 4fashionsquare.blogspot.com)

  37. Sarah Scott
    2014/05/23 / 14:08

    I love Techy Tuesday, I’ve told other blogger friends about it! So many great tips and tricks on blogging that in my opinion is hard to find.


  38. 2014/05/23 / 22:42

    I love your Techy Tuesday series! You have a great way of explaining each topic you are writing about. I also enjoy your regular beauty posts…the bloggy help is just icing on the cake. :)

  39. kitty kaos
    2014/05/27 / 18:55

    Great tips really liking this feature :) x

  40. Hillary
    2014/05/27 / 20:59

    These tips are really great – a few I hadn’t thought of. Thanks for the poshttp://ahintoflace.blogspot.com

  41. Sarah
    2014/06/09 / 05:38

    Such great tips. Thanks so much Mary :)

    xx Sarah | Loser Girl Wins

  42. 2014/06/30 / 00:34

    i just love that I found your blog! Love all of this blog help! Just installed disqus on my blog and am looking to see what else I spruce up! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK!! I can’t wait to be able to pass it forward as you have!!

  43. Zara Kate
    2014/07/30 / 22:49

    These tips are great! The first one is so true, I was half thinking of giving up after I had just started! I’d be so grateful if you could check out my latest post and leave a comment if you enjoy it! http://zarakate.blogspot.ie/2014/07/shoe-wishlist.html ! Thanks so much
    Zara x

  44. Wildcat Fitness
    2015/10/19 / 14:16

    Great tips – thank you so much for sharing! Just starting out in the world of Blogging and finding it all a bit of a minefield, but posts like this are super helpful. Thanks again xxx

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