Gorgeous Bronze Salon Tan at Home Review

Gorgeous Bronze Salon Tan at Home Review

Gorgeous Bronze Salon Tan at HomeI was recently sent the Gorgeous Bronze Salon Tan at Home in shade light to medium which I have been trying out. The set contains 10 full body applications and the set can be bought at Asda, Home Bargains and BodyCare. I’ve never blogged about or reviewed fake tan before as I don’t often use it and it is hard to find a decent, light shade for my pale skin.

The set comes with a large bottle with a lid that you remove to attach the spray lid top. The spray top of the product is fantastic and gives a really even, consistent, spray tan. It was a really pleasant surprise how well the spray top worked giving out an even mist. The Gorgeous Bronze Salon Tan at Home does come out a little too dark, but I do have a very light skin tone and don’t want to look too brown. After spraying I rubbed in the spray whilst wearing gloves to make it even and in areas removed excess spray with kitchen roll.

The tan went on very easily but isn’t very water resistant so be careful of splashing your skin. I actually found this to be a great aspect of Gorgeous Bronze Salon Tan at Home, my hands were really dark after applying but I could rinse it off to make my hands an even colour. It’s often the most off putting part of fake tanning when you see girls with orange paws but this spray prevents that.

Gorgeous Bronze Salon Tan at Home

I applied the Gorgeous Bronze Salon Tan at Home in the evening in the shower as it is a little messy compared to lotion based fake tans (I did forget about the soles of my feet though which are now a dark brown :/ ). The tan was a little darker than I had hoped the night before as it spray on golden but darkens over 2 hours and the spray has to be left for 8 hours before showering. After showering in the morning 14 hours after applying a lot of the tan washed off leaving a really even, streak free golden tan which I was far happier with.

After showering I am now not beach bronze brown but I do have a far healthier glow to my skin and complexion. It’s a far more natural colour and more what I wanted from fake tan. There are darker alternatives though with Gorgeous Bronze Salon Tan at Home if you need a darker shade.

Gorgeous Bronze Salon Tan at Home

Have you tried Gorgeous Bronze Salon Tan at Home?

Gorgeous Bronze Salon Tan at Home*


  1. 2014/06/27 / 17:56

    Sounds great, looks like you have a lovely glow, I don’t like the sound of it being messy though

  2. Shanice Romelus
    2014/06/28 / 03:27

    Lol I dont need a tan but I just wanted to say your hair looks awesome!


  3. Vanessa Key
    2014/06/28 / 10:03

    I remember when I saw your pictures 1st time (I think few months ago) you looked so pale. Now smth changed even in your face and hair. I like it :) 1st picture is even much better than your blog profile pic.

  4. Katherine Penney
    2014/06/28 / 13:45

    This looks great! And I am just in love with your hair :) xx

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