Fishtail Braid Boho Hairstyle Video

A fishtail braid looks incredibly complicated and intricate but, once you get the hang of it, the fishtail braid can be an incredibly simple hairstyle to do yourself. Don’t be overfaced, the fishtail braid is one of my favourites to style, it looks high maintenance but isn’t and is a perfect look, especially if your hair isn’t freshly washed.

fishtail braid

Unlike a dutch or french braid the fishtail braid can be done quickly and effectively on your own hair without much practice. I really like to wear a fishtail braid is a boho hairstyle, pulling it out, fluffing it up and making it a little messy. It is a perfect look for summer and gives even the thinnest haired girls a thick Elsa worthy braid.

In this short video I share with you how I create this boho hairstyle, full and thick double/pigtail fishtail braids with a few tips and tricks on how to make it easier for yourself. These loose fishtail braids look effective on mid to long hair and are beautiful kept neat for school, college, work, occasions or made full and thick for festivals, parties or events!

Thank you to everyone who has been subscribing to my Youtube Channel, I cannot believe how it is growing at the moment and I loving coming up with new content! If you like this video please give it a thumbs up and don’t miss out on future videos by subscribing – new content goes live every Monday, Wednesday and Friday!

fishtail braid

In the video I used thin elastics, I picked them up from Netto for £2 and you get thousands so it is worth checking out!

You can catch up on all other hair related blog posts here and don’t miss out on my current competition, a chance to win some beautiful Acrylic Makeup Storage Boxes.



  1. Zoe Mountford
    2016/05/03 / 16:12

    I need to be able to do this hair style it looks beautiful, I have always struggled with fishtail braids so will have to get practicing now x

  2. Katie Shannon
    2016/05/04 / 21:04

    your hair is lush! x

  3. Patricia Norwood
    2021/10/01 / 06:18

    Thank you so much for sharing this tutorial! I’ll follow your advice when creating braids like yours with my clip-ins

  4. Dynasty Goddess
    2022/04/29 / 09:28

    thank you for sharing this….I’ll follow your advice when creating braids like yours

  5. Pingback: 19 Beautiful Hairstyles For Long Hair 2025 - Fimaan

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