Claires Halloween accessories ideas

Halloween is fast approaching so here are my Claires Halloween accessories ideas! I was shopping with my Mum and spotted the fantastic range of Halloween accessories available in Claires accessories, what particularly grabbed my eyes were the fantastic false nails they were selling. I love having something halloweeny to wear on halloween even if its just a token for a night out. Claires this year have some really beautiful items, which are your favourites? Here  are mine :)

Claires Halloween accessories ideas#1 Black Net Feather Fascinator Comb

#2 Spider Web Tights

#3 Enchanted Lace Effect Mask

#4 Glitter Spider Web False Lashes

#5 24 Pack Spooky Glitter False Nails

#6 24 Pack of Spider Web False Nails

#7 24 Pack of Black Googly Eye False Nails

#8 Sequin Bat Wing Clip-On Hat

#9 Mini Sequin Cat Hat with Net Overlay

#10 Sequin Cat Ears Headband




  1. 2013/10/11 / 16:26

    The cat hat is superb and so cute I might be tempted to wear it even after Halloween LOL. Xx

  2. 2013/10/11 / 18:43

    Great options! I’m not sure whether we’ll really celebrate Halloween this year or not (it’s not tradition in Finland but slowly becoming more common for us too, since we do have All Saints Day..) but if we have some party these are really nice ideas for costumes :))

    Love, Satu
    Indie by heart

    • 2013/10/17 / 08:38

      Glad you like them, great costume ideas :D

  3. 2013/10/12 / 09:37

    Claires always do brilliant stuff for Halloween, I got some fake blood from there last year which was brilliant! x

    • 2013/10/17 / 08:38

      Will look out for fake blood! I love their nails

  4. Rebecca Beardsley
    2013/10/15 / 11:02

    I absolutely love Halloween, I always go overboard buying things! Thanks for the follow I’ve followed you guys back! :) xxx

  5. amy partridge
    2013/10/15 / 16:10

    What great little halloween picks. I love the spiderweb eye lashes might have to get me some of these for halloween xxxxx

    • 2013/10/17 / 08:42

      They’re so unusual, never seen them before

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