Ciate Chalkboard Manicure Review – NOTD Personalised Chalkboard Nail Art

Ciate Chalkboard Manicure Review

Ciate Chalkboard Manicure Review

I have an amazing little sister who for my birthday got me the Ciaté Chalkboard Manicure set. I’ve wanted this for ages, instead doing a makeshift of my own using Rio Professional Pastel Nail Art Kit and Bourjois So Perfect Matte Top Coat.

The pack contains 4 chalk pens, 1 chalk board paint pot (black) and one mattnificent :p matte top coat. To apply start with 2 layers of the chalk board paint pot. Draw on your designs using the 4 chalk pens. If you make a mistake these can be washed off and drawn again. Pink comes off very easily but the others take a bit more time. Seal in your designs with a coat of the matte top coat, I used 2 to be on the safe side.Ciate Chalkboard Manicure SetCiate Chalkboard Manicure PensCiate Chalkboard Manicure Nail ArtCiate Chalkboard Manicure Nail Designs

The pens work really well, pump them up and down to get the paint to start flowing. They are a bit thick and it can be hard to get colour even from them but for a chalk effect I think they are really good.

Have your tried Ciaté Chalkboard Manicure?



  1. 2014/02/27 / 16:25

    I am in love with this manicure. Your nails looks awesome!

    I so wish this product was available in my country!:(


  2. 2014/02/27 / 16:36

    What an amazing idea, I sooo need this set!

  3. 2014/02/27 / 16:42

    In love!
    Didn’t know that Ciatè was selling this product :)
    A fashion & DIY blog…

  4. Stevie Blackburn
    2014/02/27 / 17:46

    I didn’t think this would look half as good as it looks!!!

    Stevie :)

  5. ThinkBeautyTryBeauty
    2014/02/27 / 16:51

    Fabulous beauty site Sisters – especially love your photos – DC

  6. Becky Pugh
    2014/02/27 / 16:56

    This looks amazing and so much fun!!! I get bored of my nail colour within a day, so this would save me SO much hassle! x

  7. Solenertr
    2014/02/27 / 17:01

    Lovely! I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award in a recent post on my blog: x

  8. Ashly Eyler
    2014/02/27 / 17:14

    This is a totally clever idea! Do you think that the colored “chalk” crayons would come off when you wash your hands / shower? So is it more like a lasts about one day and then you draw a new pattern? You have a great sister for getting you such a cute gift!

  9. Alex
    2014/02/27 / 17:15

    This is so cool! xx

  10. Brittnee KAO
    2014/02/27 / 17:15

    I thought this was weird when it came out but now that I see your nails I kind of want it lol! Super cute mani!!

  11. Savannah Giersthove
    2014/02/27 / 18:41

    This is so cool!!

  12. 2014/02/27 / 18:11

    I’m not really a fan of nail polish but I’m definitely intrigued with this!!

  13. Angi
    2014/02/27 / 18:12

    This is so cute! x


  14. Amelia Holly
    2014/02/27 / 19:23

    these look cool… although not sure I would buy them as I probably wouldn’t use them enough!

  15. Caitlin Ramsay
    2014/02/27 / 19:24

    I love this! So cool :)

    Caitlin | Oceanic Stars

  16. 2014/02/27 / 18:30

    I haven’t tried it but I think it’s so cool!


  17. Eilidh
    2014/02/27 / 18:34

    oh i love this!

  18. Ellen
    2014/02/27 / 18:41

    Love it!

  19. stylediscovered
    2014/02/27 / 20:05

    These look so cute!

    Freya x

  20. zhanna
    2014/02/27 / 19:33

    totally love this, a very nice product to have! you can go so creative with this kit! <3 Zhanna

  21. Desaree Martin
    2014/02/27 / 19:45

    I have never heard of this, but how cool!

  22. Nat
    2014/02/27 / 21:07

    Not yet, BUT I want to! I think whenever I find this cheap enough I’ll snap it up. :)

  23. StargazyEyes
    2014/02/27 / 21:42

    Oooh glad to see a good review of this – I found it in TK Maxx the other day and snapped it up – can’t wait to give it a go this weekend!

    Sharon x

  24. thejollyfashionista
    2014/02/27 / 22:06

    Amazing! Such a fun idea. xxx

  25. Wendy Maldonado
    2014/02/27 / 23:10

    I want to try it, I don’t do much with nails :( but I think I can do this..

  26. Lauren
    2014/02/27 / 23:16

    This looks so fun to use!


  27. 2014/02/27 / 23:54

    That is so adorable and looks really unique, I’m going to keep an eye out for this definitely :)

    Natalie | Broke Student Fashion

  28. Cachoo Joo
    2014/02/28 / 06:02

    Whaaaat?! That such a cool idea! First matte, now chalkboard?? Ahhh so many nail polishes, so little money (and nails)! haha

    Cachoo Joo // CACHOO JOO

  29. Tereza
    2014/02/28 / 10:33

    Ciaté products just make me want to play with nail polish all day! So much fun!

  30. Zara Collings
    2014/02/28 / 15:48

    This looks like so much fun!
    Z xx

  31. Nicola Simmons
    2014/02/28 / 17:21

    This is amazing! I loved the Nails inc monogram manicure set but this is a much better idea – although it makes me sad that I only have 5 fingers but my name has 6 letters :( x

  32. The Beauty Break
    2014/02/28 / 20:30

    That looks so cool! Ciate products are getting better and better!
    The Beauty Break //

  33. 2014/03/02 / 03:25

    How cool is this! I’m obsessed with chalkboard paint and chalkboards (yes, do have a chalkboard wall in my apartment) but this could satisfy this grade school addiction in a whole new way! so cool, thanks for sharing!

  34. 2014/03/03 / 20:09

    SO SO COOL <3

  35. Ellie
    2014/03/07 / 13:14

    I love the look of these, they looks amazing! Great post!


    Elephant stories and more

  36. Shivani
    2014/03/09 / 04:17

    I need to get this ASAP !!!


  37. Laila
    2014/03/09 / 20:54

    I love matt black nail varnish but chalkboard nails?! Why didn’t someone think of this sooner – great review! x

    The Nomad Style | A UK Fashion & Lifestyle blog

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