Broadway nails impress product review

broadway nails impress product review

Today I have for you my Broadway nails impress product review. I wanted to share this fantastic find with you! These nails were so easy to apply and have lasted far better than other false nails. Application took such a short amount of time as there is no glue involved, just sticky pads on the nails.

To apply simply find the correct size for each nail, wash your hands with soap, dry and use their prep pad. Remove the plastic label and apply the sticky side onto the nail, pressing firmly down. Try not to be in contact with water for a minimum of 30 mins! Simply peel off when you want to remove.

Broadway nails impress aim to last for up to a week and mine have lasted pretty well. I chose short length nails which stop them looking as plastic or fake and make day to day activities far easier. The nails themselves have more of a gel feel than other nails and are more flexible rather than brittle. This stops them coming off as easily and gives a far more natural feel. The box the fake nails are kept in is fantastic. The size of a nail varnish the little box is easy to keep in your hand bag in case you loose a nail throughout your day.

Broadway nails impress – Boots



  1. 2013/09/11 / 15:29

    These nails look great and I love the colour!!

    Great post and a lovely blog!!

    Katrina X

  2. 2013/09/12 / 10:36

    Thank you!! :) following on bloglovin, if you fancy following back heres the link

    Mary xoxo

  3. Danielle @ FluffyCandyUK
    2013/09/12 / 15:55

    You did a lot better with these than I did myself! LOL Look great!


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