Beauty Blender Review – Is it worth it?

beauty blender review

Beauty Blender Review

As you might remember I was sent, in June’s BirchBox, a great little product. It was a product that I have heard a lot about but wasn’t too sure how it would fit it into my daily regime, but after using it for a few weeks I feel that this one item deserves a post on its own….. Without beating around the bush any more welcome to my Beauty Blender Review post!

Anyone that has ever known me or seen me put my makeup on will know that I put my foundation on by applying it first to the back of my hand and then applying it to my face using a brush, my most recent favourite brush is my real techniques stippling brush for this.

So where does a beauty blender fit in to this? The beauty blender is basically a uniquely shaped sponge designed for use on both large areas of the face such as your jawline and forehead as well as for use on the more delicate areas such as the eyes and lips.

Beauty Blender Review

You use it by first soaking the sponge in water, it will grow as it absorbs more than you might think, squeeze out the excess and then start applying your foundation by stippling with the sponge as you would with a brush. I personally still use it in the same way that I apply foundation, by first putting it on the back of my hand then transferring it to the sponge by blotting.

I currently use NARS Deauville foundation and it dries fast so I can apply this very quickly with the sponge but still get good coverage. Wetting the sponge stops the make up absorbing into the sponge and makes it such a better tool to work with than when it is dry.

What more can I say? After my first time of using it I was sold. I did think that I used quite a bit more product that I normally use, but I loved the look of my skin and did feel a little bit airbrushed (hehe). I noticed that it does have the slight side effect that it makes any dry skin show up like crazy, so you have to work a little bit harder to blend everything in on dry areas of your skin.

My beauty blender came with a solid brush cleanser and I can see why. When you try and clean this sponge it takes FOREVER to get everything out of it, but it’s the only downside of this great product! That and it is a little pricey, how much for a sponge?! But that might just be me…

Beauty Blender Review

Let me know what you think about my beauty blender review, have you guys ever tried it and if so what do you think? Do you have any questions for me about the product?

Beauty Blender*
Beauty Blender Solid Cleanser*


  1. 2014/07/20 / 08:23

    This was a very helpful post! I have never bought myself one – because of the price, twenty dollars seemed like a bit much for a sponge – but I do want to try it out! Great tip about the water! Very nice post! I follow you on bloglovin; it’d be amazing if you returned the favour but you don’t have to. Love your blog! And the name ‘Strikeapose’ is pretty neat! xxx

  2. 2014/07/20 / 09:10

    had no idea that a make up sponge would be thaaaaat good. I am used to the ones from drug stores and stuff like that, that I use when I don’t have my brushes. I will totally give it a try. this post was very helpful.


  3. 2014/07/20 / 10:00

    It’s definitely not just you when it comes to the price! I love the sound of this, and it really does seem to live up to the hype, but thinking about paying $30 for a sponge breaks my heart.

  4. India Benjamin
    2014/07/20 / 10:29

    This does sound really good but I could never justify paying that much for a sponge. I wonder how it compares to the Real techniques sponge, they’re both similar shapes but the Real Technique is £6!

    India / Touchscreens & Beautyqueens

  5. Holly McLoughlin
    2014/07/20 / 12:09

    I’d love to try this but I couldn’t justify the price :/ Great post though x

  6. Allie Cleve
    2014/07/20 / 12:15

    I never wanted to buy this because it seemed to expensive for a sponge but then I got it in my Birchbox and I am so in love! You’re right about the airbrushed finish, it’s just beautiful! I have super oily skin with no dry patches so I don’t get the problem with that, the only thing that annoys me is the cleaning and the whole walking down to the bathroom to wet it first thing!

  7. carlyhitchcock
    2014/07/20 / 14:01

    I have dry skin and I have noticed the dry patches! I’m pretty sure this would happen to me no matter what I use though. I looove my beauty blender! Unfortunately it’s falling apart and I need to get a new one. They are very expensive – $50 in NZ but I think it’s worth it if you can find them on sale (I got mine for $30).

  8. Charlotte
    2014/07/20 / 15:45

    I’m another that really does wonder how the pricier ones compare to the cheaper versions. I use from primark which cost just £1! I love it all the same and at that much I just chuck it when it gets too grubby and buy a new one :) x

    • 2014/07/20 / 17:29

      Think I’ll be getting a Real Techniques & Primark one so I can compare them all!

  9. Alina Bostan
    2014/07/20 / 19:59

    I’ve been wanting to try this for so long but couldn’t justify spending that much on a sponge so I bought the Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge instead and I love it! It looks very similar to this but its much cheaper. Maybe one day I will splurge on a Beauty Blender1

  10. 2014/07/20 / 21:01

    I put off buying the Beauty Blender for so long but I was so happy when I finally did! I bought that a month or two after buying the BB and I had been trying to clean it and had no luck, but the cleanser is amazing! I wrote a post on it on my blog. :)

  11. Mariah
    2014/07/20 / 23:18

    I have the cheaper version that I got as a gift and I just love it. It’s the blue one in an odd cone shape. I will agree that it’s kindda hard to clean, but otherwise it’s amazing :)

    Theatricality by Mariah

  12. 2014/07/21 / 05:54

    I absolutely love my beauty blender and use it everyday. I agree that it uses more of your foundation then it would with a brush or your fingers. I just love the airbrushed look.

  13. 2014/07/21 / 08:09

    I have been putting off buying this only because I have been saving but it sounds so good! I think I might have to purchase it haha!
    xo Holly ox


  14. Lindsay
    2014/07/21 / 14:34

    I bought one at TJ Maxx for $4 and it works just as well as the pricey one!

  15. Luxy
    2014/07/21 / 15:36

    Love my Beauty Blender! Also really easy to clean so can last a long time.

  16. Mysty Nyckel
    2014/07/22 / 08:18

    I have not used this one, as I have not yet wanted to spend the money, but I have used two dupes. One from QUO (A Canadian brand) and I believe one from Real Techniques. And I adore them both. So, I’m not too concerned about spending the dough on the real one. I’m pretty satisfied. I use my hand wash on my sponge. I don’t know if that’s good or not. I just wash it as I wash my hands. Two birds, one stone. It’s been perfect!

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