Aldi vs Aussie

Aldi have recently sent me a few of their shampoos and conditioners to try out that have a rather striking resemblance to the Aussie range. I have been a big fan of the Aussie range in the past and used to use it quite a lot although it can be a little pricey. I wanted to see if the Aldi product matched up in any way as a good dupe or was a cheap let down.

I have used the Aldi products for quite a while, having used up two of the four bottles completely, so that I could get a proper, rounded conclusion on the items. In all honesty I have been really loving the Aldi alternatives. They have the same consistency and great bubblegum scent as the Aussie range and have left my hair feeling so soft. My hair tends to get quite greasy quickly (teenage issue with greasy hair and blemishes seem to have hit me hard in my twenties :/ ) and these shampoos and conditioners have helped with me not having to wash my hair daily whilst not drying it out.

Aldi vs Aussie

I don’t like to think of myself as a brand snob and generally I am very open to trying new products, finding bargains and not judging based on the price tag but I must admit I would probably have walked past these and never picked them up if I had seen them in the shop. Having them sent as a blogger sample made me realise I probably am a little snooty when it comes to my shampoos and conditioners and that I should branch out a bit more and try new things.

In terms of price Aussie is around £4.19 in Boots with 3 for 2 offers making each bottle roughly 2.80 if you want to buy 3. In Aldi this range is £1.99. This isn’t a huge difference and I am sure that many of you who love Aussie will stick with what you know for the price difference but for any of you living on a budget, tightening the purse strings or a lover of a good dupe this range is worth a test.

Aldi vs Aussie

*This post contains press samples



  1. GoFashiondeals
    2015/08/13 / 12:32

    Wonderful review. I have been loving aussie 3 minute miracle. But I have heard some good things about aldi products especially their skin care like moisturizers. Now I may have to go and try some! :)

  2. Candice Petersen
    2015/08/13 / 12:39

    I’ve been wanting to try Aussie products for awhile now

    Candice |

  3. Laura
    2015/08/13 / 12:49

    I did a post about aldi beauty yesterday, it’s surprising how good some of the products are compared to similar items you’d pay way over the odds for in Boots!

    I’ve not tried the shampoo and regular conditioner from this range but used the deep conditioner and it’s amazing :)

    Laura xx

  4. Samantha Pinkie
    2015/08/13 / 13:39

    I’ve walked past these Aldi products so many times and noticed how similar they are, never been tempted to purchase down to price. Glad it was a positive review, might be worth a try. =^-^=

    Sam | Momentarily Dreaming

  5. Chelsea Dickenson
    2015/08/13 / 17:33

    It is quite a big price difference actually as the Aldi brand has 50ml more. My maths may be a bit rusty but Aldi works out as around 67p per 100ml whereas the Aussie brand is around £1.12 – and that’s the 3 for 2 price.

    Chelsea |

    • 2015/08/13 / 18:22

      Thats true but I only get aussie if I spot it in poundland so it works put much cheaper than aldi ????

  6. Claire Cavanagh
    2015/08/13 / 22:43

    Ahh I need to make a trip to Aldi as I keep hearing such good things about their beauty products! Might not be a huge difference in price but every saving helps I suppose ;)

    Claire | | xx

  7. Victoria Robinson
    2015/08/14 / 21:21

    I like Aussie but unless it’s on offer I don’t really buy it, I might be tempted to get the Aldi dupes though.

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