Disqus Blogger & WordPress Implementation

disqus blogger

Disqus Blogger & WordPress Implementation

After last weeks post on how to get more comments & followers I received lots of requests to do a step by step tutorial showing how to install Disqus on your blogger blog! So that is what this weeks Tecky Tuesday post is about. If you have any requests for next week let me know in the comments below. Also check out blogger tips to see if I’ve covered anything in the past that you haven’t seen before.

What is Disqus.

Disqus is one of the most popular comment management systems on the internet. I fell in love with it after only testing it for about 20 minutes and decided to install it on Strikeapose. I have been happily running it now for about 6 months. I’ve found that it makes commenting on a blog super easy, its help with SEO (in that it sorts no follows for you) and looks great on your phone / tablet.

It also has a few kick ass features that the normal system doesn’t have in place. For example you can share comments on social media (the one I like the most today will get just that!). You can set it up to receive emails when you get new comments. This is great as you don’t miss comments on older posts or topics.  Discus allows guests to post without needing to register as well as giving real time comments without refreshing the page! (This allows you to get some more in-depth discussions going faster). Also….. you can make a little money using Disqus by turning on adverts. With all this said, if your still not sold have a look around some of the bigger blogs, most have switched to it in the past few months, or just have a look at a few of my posts and see if you like the look.

Disqus Blogger Implementation.

The whole installation of Diqus on blogger takes about 10 minutes and is mostly automated. Let me know if you have any further questions that I haven’t covered in this post or if you end up having some issues.

Step 1 – Load the Diqus sign up page. Enter your username, email and password and click on next. You will have to enter a name for your site and pick a category. Don’t go for anything too different as you will need to remember this. Also picking the correct category allows people to join in via diqus.com

disqus blogger

2. It will then ask what platform your site is running on, for this example we will choose Blogger.

disqus blogger

3. After picking “Blogger” as a platform it will present you with a new screen that allows you to add your new Disqus widget to your blogger blog. You will then be passed back to blogger.com.You will be asked to grant blogger permission and add a new page element. Give this element a title and then press “add widget”. Thats it, Discus in now installed on Blogger. Have a look at one of your posts and you will see that it is now implemented, but the old comments haven’t been moved over yet!

disqus blogger

Importing existing comments to Disqus Blogger

Now go back to Disqus settings page. Go to Tools >> Import. Upon clicking that page you will be asked if you want to import your comments from blogger. This will convert all your old comments to the Diqus server.

Click import comments from Blogger. A screen will show asking you for permission. Press grant access and click import.

Note this can take up to 24 hours. Blogger and Diqus will now sync comments every 30-40 minutes. So if you decied to stop using Disqus all your comments will be saved on your blog like before.

Disqus WordPress Implementation.

Yes you guessed it, there is a plugin for it! Its really easy just follow it step by step and you will have it completed in no time.

Thats it! Let me know if my tutorial for Disqus Blogger implementation worked for you. If it didn’t or you have any questions or ideas of next weeks post please post below. My favourite comment from this week will be retweeted on twitter and featured! Leave links to your blogs if you manage to make the switch to Disqus from the standard comment system. Remember to share and like on social media if you think it could help any of your readers / friends / fellow bloggers.


  1. 2014/06/03 / 07:21

    thank you so much for this! I love your tecky tuesday posts!


  2. 2014/06/03 / 08:03

    For some reason, disqus stops running (it crashes) when I view it via itouch that’s why I don’t use it on my blog.

    • 2014/06/03 / 11:28

      clear your broswing history. It normally does that when its cached too much.

  3. 2014/06/03 / 08:46

    Really helpful and I love these posts. I am quite new to blogging, but decided to go for wordpress hosting. Thanks!

  4. Sara Rose
    2014/06/03 / 13:46

    I’ve been looking on how to do this for ages, this has helped me out so much!

  5. Mariah
    2014/06/03 / 17:50

    Thank you sooooooo much! This will make my life a bazillion times easier!

  6. 2014/06/03 / 18:48

    I added this just a week ago! Makes it so much easier for people to comment without having to sign up with their emails etc

  7. 2014/06/03 / 19:16

    Ah thank you! Just installed this on my blog!x


  8. nueyork
    2014/06/04 / 01:36

    Thank you for this post, I didn’t realise how simple it really was! I just added it to my blog.


  9. Antonella Zammit
    2014/06/04 / 17:22

    Thanks !!


  10. 2014/06/10 / 16:45

    That’s really great, and I managed to get mine all sorted straight away, fingers crossed it works well for my readers :-)

  11. Chelsea
    2014/06/10 / 22:03

    Thanks for the instructions. Now it’s definitely easy for people to comment more!


  12. 2014/06/15 / 06:03

    Thanks so much for this tutorial! I just switched to Disqus, and I love it. It’s so clean and organized!

  13. 2014/06/17 / 20:11

    Mary, what a great “getting started” post! I know installing Disqus can be intimidating for some people, and this makes it look really easy. :) Let us know if you ever need a hand with anything, and thanks for using Disqus! (You make us look good.)

  14. Maddies Foxes
    2015/09/04 / 04:35

    Disqus only shows up on individual posts. It doesn’t show for posts on the homepage, what should i do?

  15. CosmeticsWeb
    2021/06/23 / 07:49

    I added this just a week ago! Makes it so much easier for people to comment without having to sign up with their emails etc

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