Top Ten Anti-Ageing Tips to Stay Youthful With Dr Natalie from Light Touch Clinic 

Ageing is a natural part of life – but it doesn’t mean we can’t take steps to age gracefully. 

Dr Natalie Geary – the Founder and Medical Director of Light Touch Clinic Surrey – shares her expert advice on how to keep your skin looking fresh – even as the years go by. 

With 17+ years of experience and a wealth of knowledge in cosmetic medicine, Dr Natalie has treated thousands of patients. 

Here are her top ten anti-ageing tips for staying youthful.

1. Eat home-cooked foods that are rich in nutrients 

Your diet plays a major role in how you age. What you put into your body directly affects your skin’s appearance and overall health. Dr Natalie recommends eating fresh, home-cooked meals filled with a variety of fruits and vegetables. You should also eat foods high in antioxidants. 

These nutrients combat free radicals – which contribute to ageing – and can help your skin stay firm and glowing. A colourful plate with greens, reds, and oranges offers a mix of nutrients essential for maintaining youthful skin. Also, you need to avoid processed foods that are high in sugar and unhealthy fats.

2. Get quality sleep

Getting enough rest is essential to preserving youthful skin. Sleep is when our bodies repair and regenerate – allowing the skin to heal and recover from daily damage. You should go for seven to nine hours of restful sleep each night to give your body the chance to repair itself. 

Without proper sleep, skin can become dull and prone to wrinkles. Dr Natalie also recommends tracking your sleep to monitor its quality. Tools like sleep apps or wearables can provide insights into your sleep patterns and help you make necessary changes. 

3. Exercise regularly 

Regular physical activity is another way to keep your body looking young and toned. Dr Natalie particularly stresses the importance of weight training as we age. Building and maintaining muscle is essential because muscle mass naturally declines as we get older. This loss of muscle can lead to slower metabolism and unwanted weight gain. 

By adding strength training into your routine – you’ll not only burn more calories – but you’ll also maintain muscle tone. Plus, exercise boosts circulation – delivering oxygen and nutrients to your skin – which helps it glow from within.

4. Keep your stress levels low

Stress isn’t just bad for your mental health—it also accelerates the ageing process. High levels of stress trigger the release of cortisol – a hormone that can lead to inflammation. It breaks down collagen – resulting in wrinkles and sagging skin. 

Using stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises can help you stay calm and keep those stress lines at bay. Dr Natalie is a big advocate of adaptogens like Ashwagandha – which naturally regulate cortisol levels.

5. Drink a healthy amount of water

Hydration is a simple yet highly effective way to maintain youthful-looking skin. When your body is well-hydrated – your skin stays smooth, and more resilient against wrinkles. Dr Natalie recommends drinking around eight glasses of water per day. But this can vary depending on your activity level and climate. 

If plain water isn’t your favourite – consider hydrating with herbal teas or adding fruits like lemon or cucumber to your water. Hydrated skin is happy skin.

6. Follow a proper skincare routine

Your skincare routine doesn’t need to be complicated – but it does need to be consistent. Dr Natalie recommends a regimen that includes gentle – cleansing, moisturising, and exfoliation. However, it is best to use high-quality skincare products. Regular exfoliation removes dead skin cells – while serums and moisturisers hydrate and protect your skin. You can get in touch with an aesthetics clinic to get advice on the best product as per your skin type. 

7. Protect your skin with sunscreen

Sun exposure is one of the leading causes of premature ageing. The harmful UV rays from the sun can break down collagen and elastin. And this can lead to age spots, wrinkles, and sagging skin. To protect your skin – always wear sunscreen with at least SPF 30. So, make it a habit to reapply sunscreen every few hours – if you’re spending time outdoors.

8. Get your daily dose of vitamin D

While excessive sun exposure can harm your skin – a little sunshine is good. Vitamin D is vital for your body. If you’re not getting enough sunshine – consider taking a Vitamin D supplement to keep your levels in check. Dr Natalie stresses that Vitamin D isn’t just important for your skin—it plays a role in your overall health.

9. Surround yourself with positive people

Your mental and emotional health plays a big role in how you age. Surrounding yourself with positive – supportive people can help reduce stress. Social connections are essential for staying young at heart and can help boost your overall happiness. 

10. Keep trying new things

Finally, staying youthful isn’t just about how you look—it’s also about how you feel. Dr Natalie encourages her patients to keep learning and trying new things. Whether it’s picking up a new hobby, travelling to new places – or trying something adventurous. The key to staying youthful is not just about external care but also about keeping your inner spark alive.

So, these are the 10 anti-ageing by Dr Natalie to keep your skin healthy and youthful. Remember, it is best to make these healthy practices a part of your routine. And if you need personalised support for skin health – schedule an appointment with Light Touch Clinic Surrey. 


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