How To Prep Long Hair For The Colder Weather

How To Prep Long Hair For The Colder Weather 1

The cold weather has breezed in, so it is time to start updating our hair routines for the colder months. Prepping your hair for the chilly weather changes is a great way to prevent damage to long hair or hair extensions to keep it looking healthy. Cooler temperatures bring a wave of new hair woes to keep us occupied. Retaining moisture in your hair can be the hardest challenge, battling the central heating, the harsh cold air outside and the constant severe elements such as wind and rain. If this drab weather weren’t bad enough, it could leave our hair dry and brittle. Give your long hair or hair extensions a little bit of TLC so that it won’t become lacklustre and fragile.

Get A Hair Cut

The freezing climate can be so damaging to your hair. If you are already noticing split ends, then your hair will be even more prone to weather damage. Once your hair begins to break the strand will keep on splitting up the shaft. Breakage like this can leave you with thin, wispy hair. A topper can help disguise areas of hair loss and add to the look of fullness for thinning hair. Getting a haircut at the beginning of winter removes the damaged ends. Continue to get regular trims during the wintertime months to keep the ends of your hair healthy and resilient to damage.

How To Prep Long Hair For The Colder Weather 2

Nourish your Hair with Oil

Hair oils one of the best ways to replenish moisture in your hair. Using a natural product won’t cause any further damage or buildup. Apply the oil on the lengths and very ends of your hair. This will help to seal the cuticles, which doing so means they can hold more moisture. Using oils on your hair adds an extra layer of protection as well as making your hair stronger and nourished too. Either use a small amount every day or use once a week as a pre-shampoo treatment.

How To Prep Long Hair For The Colder Weather 3
Change Up Your Shampoo And Conditioner Combo

The moisture levels in the air have now dropped so while humidity-induced frizz is no longer an issue, dryness definitely is! As mentioned above, dry hair is far more prone to damage, making your hair dull, lifeless or frizzy. Mix up your hair routine to see which shampoo and conditioner help with hydrating your hair and improving elasticity. I highly recommend trying a few different shampoo bars to reduce your plastic waste and see which product works for you.


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